731Janus is a young high school student who dreams of leaving his native countryside ravaged by isolation and alcoholism. His daily life changes when he -
入侵 第一季
973负责的Apple TV+的外星人题材剧将讲述全球多地被外星人入侵时的情况,会有纽约﹑曼彻斯特﹑摩洛哥及日本四国的剧情。 -
873由Pranakorn Film投拍的泰国古装动作片《烈血暹士2》讲述了一群保卫村子抵抗外来入侵的勇士们的故事,基本上泰国古装动作片历来并没有特别出彩的作品,除了《拳霸2》取得很好的票房收益之外,其它的片子票房和口碑都不太理想。但是这一次电影公司请来在泰国具有超高人气的网球运动员斯里查潘主演影片,想以 -
118Bigger, better and even more Brassic. Vinnie and the gang are returning for another series of Sky’s biggest original comedy. Whether it’s heisting hor -
860Javi, a young rent boy living in Madrid, comes to a sauna club looking for a job. But soon he'll find out a place full of secrets, the biggest of -
797艾迪试图让她的村庄为那些在那里因巫术而受审的妇女建立一个纪念碑。她能挑战她的社区看待她和她的家人的方式吗? -
闪闪火花 第一季
833Addie tries to get her village to make a memorial to the women who were put on trial for witch craft there. Can she challenge the way her community se