It follows Monk, a brilliant detective with obsessive-compulsive disorder. He returns to solve one last case involving his stepdaughter Molly, a journ
797艾迪试图让她的村庄为那些在那里因巫术而受审的妇女建立一个纪念碑。她能挑战她的社区看待她和她的家人的方式吗? -
闪闪火花 第一季
833Addie tries to get her village to make a memorial to the women who were put on trial for witch craft there. Can she challenge the way her community se -
1148故事发生在万圣节的当晚,塔拉(Jenna Kanell 饰)和道恩(Catherine Corcoran 饰)醉醺醺的从一个派对中离开,走在清冷的大街上,两人打算去一家披萨店弄点吃的,一个小丑打扮的男人尾随她们也进入了店里,虽然小丑的样貌十分可怖,但个 性似乎还挺可爱的,除了他把店里的厕所弄的一团糟 -
456Four best friends on the brink of starting middle school, realize their lives are about to change forever. So on the last weekend of summer, they set -
856An off-the-wall comedy set in the world of the Bystanders - invisible immortals who watch over their human subjects and intervene in (or interfere wit -
75本剧改编自Thomas Mallon的同名小说,包含爱情故事及政治惊悚元素,记录了在麦卡锡时代华盛顿的阴影下,两个截然不同的男子结识后,他们之间变化无常的浪漫史。 Hawkins Fuller是一个帅气、魅力非凡的男子,他在政治圈里保持着一份收入不凡的幕后工作。Hawkins向来避免陷入情感纠葛