权欲第二章 第二季
509Tariq tries to resume his normal college life; Brayden provides Tariq an escape; Monet makes plans for the business to protect her children; Cane seek -
658影片改编自保罗·加利科同名畅销小说。20世纪50年代伦敦一位丧偶的家政女工(莱丝利·曼维尔 饰),因疯狂爱上一件迪奥高级定制连衣裙,并决心自己也要拥有一件,继而踏上了一场前往巴黎的冒险。而这趟旅程不仅将改变她的人生面貌,也将重塑迪奥的未来。 -
747《金斯敦市长》由杰里米·雷纳和黛安·韦斯特主演,讲述了密歇根州金斯敦的权力掮客麦克卢斯基家族的故事。在美国,监禁业务是唯一繁荣的行业。 -
759体育老师简被迫过着双重生活。白天,她在学校需要隐藏真正的自己,扮演社会所期望她扮演的角色。只有在夜晚,她才能与生活中不相干的一群朋友体验她想要的生活。本已习惯如此生活的简,因与一名学生意外在夜店的相识而得知了彼此的秘密。然而即便如此,简依然无法为这名学生在学校的所遭受的冤屈公开表示抗议。陷入深深自责 -
金斯敦市长 第二季
799Mayor of Kingstown, starring Jeremy Renner and Dianne Wiest, follows the McLusky family, power brokers in Kingstown, Mich., where the business of inca -
211When her husband has a mental breakdown and goes missing, a woman and her young son set out to find him on the streets, sparking a movement that inspi -
法官大人 第二季
358Bryan Cranston stars as a New Orleans judge who is forced to confront his own deepest convictions when his son is involved in a hit and run that embro